
I created Pyrasphere with my friend Andersen Gabrych in 2009.  Our aim with the project was to satirize the boom of “prosperity theologies,” spiritual movements whose highest aim is personal wealth and achievement. I portrayed Pyrasphere’s founder Gossamyrhh, and together we created Pyrasphere’s 21 sacred tenets, recorded a series of video sermons, and documented testimonials from our followers.

If you are looking for a religion/self-help program that bolsters your visions of personal grandeur and worships external achievement, you can do no better than Pyrasphere. If you want to be told that you deserve to be constantly happy and perpetually fulfilled, Pyrasphere will tell you that… and more.

“You have your choice of religions, your choice is Pyrasphere.”


Here is our introductory video to Pyrasphere


Then we made a film called “Bright Day: An Expose’ of Hollywood’s Fastest Growing New Religion” available at:


For more info, excerpts from Pyrasphere’s sacred texts, videos, and opportunities to purchase prosperity beadery, go to